July 2005 | Volume 1 | Number 2 | ISSN 1820 - 4511 (Click here to download)
An M+I+T++ Research Approach to Network-Based Mobile Education (NBME) and Teaching?Studying?Learning Processes: Towards a Global Metamodel Ruokamo, Heli; and Tella, Seppo
Polyscopic Topic Maps-Based Flexible and Exploratory Learning Karabeg, D.; and Guescini, R.
Neurobiological and Transformational Learning Janik,Daniel; Bills, Margaret.; Saito, Hisako; and Widjaja, Christina
The Management of Personnel Collaboration for the Improvement of Multidisciplinary Projects Lepage, A
Quantitative Evaluation of Singing through Electromyography Shan, Jing; Visentin, Peter; and Shan, Gongbing
Validation and Usability Analysis of Intelligent Systems: An Integrated Approach Mosqueira-Rey, Eduardo; and Moret-Bonillo, Vicente
Telemedicine Intelligent Learning. Ontology for Agent Technology Ferrer-Roca, A. O.; Figueredo, K.; Franco, A.; and Cardenas, B.,
Online Fundraising for Nonprofit Organizations Pollach, Irene; Treiblmaier, Horst; and Floh; Arne
From Art to Industry: Development of Biomedical Simulators Kofranek, Jiri; Andrlik, Michal; Kripner, Tomas; and Stodulka, Petr
Performance of a Parallel Technique for Solving Stiff ODEs Using a Block-diagonal Implicit Runge-Kutta Method
Kartawidjaja, M. A.; Suhartanto, H.; and Basaruddin, T.
An Analysis of Student Satisfaction in Higher Education Courses Delivered Online and in the Live Classroom Abdul-Hamid, Husein; and Howard, James
Sustainability and Safety: The Complex System Properties Afgan, H., Naim; and Carvalho G.Maria